Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics Related to Drinking and Addictions

Argumentative Essay Topics Related to Drinking and AddictionsArgumentative essay topics related to drinking are frequently written for college courses that deal with alcoholism and abuse. This course work is often required as part of a student's diploma or certification, but sometimes it can be a requirement for any college or university course. Some common topics include:Students must choose their arguments carefully to ensure they are completely convincing and that they do not leave out key facts. A good argumentative essay should be original and brief. It should be designed to both convey and support a specific point of view. Students should research the topic thoroughly and be prepared to write succinctly and clearly about what they have learned.There are several common argumentative essay topics related to drinking and alcoholism that include: symptoms of alcoholism, substance abuse, substance use disorder, legal issues involving alcohol, family dynamics of alcohol abuse, and ac ademic fields that involve drinking and abuse. These topics are closely related to the issues that are addressed in course work required for any type of college education and require the same amount of research and analysis. The goal is to present an accurate picture of an issue so that students can convince readers that what they have to say is an original and persuasive account.Some of the most common argumentative essay topics related to drinking and abuse focus on the physiological effects of alcohol on the body and brain. Alcohol is well known to disrupt certain important processes in the brain, such as memory and judgment. This includes impairing a person's ability to properly process information, process facts, and analyze and evaluate complex situations.Alcohol also affects a person's ability to think and act rationally. When a person becomes intoxicated from alcohol, they become more vulnerable to falling into self-defeating behaviors. Alcohol use can also cause a person to physically lose control of their actions and behavior and lead to physical injury or an inability to make sound decisions.Other topics in argumentative essay topics related to drinking and abuse include issues regarding the effects of alcohol on the family, personal relationships, and society at large. It is also important to present information that supports the pro-alcohol viewpoints as opposed to the anti-alcohol points of view. Those who are anti-alcohol often base their arguments on the public health issues surrounding drinking.Students interested in writing an argumentative essay about drinking and addiction often need to spend some time researching what other students have written on the topic. Good sources of information include the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation Foundation (EARR), National Council Against Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NCAA), American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), and Alcohol Education & Prevention, among many others. The Internet is also a great resource for finding information about the topic.Arguing in essay topics related to drinking and addiction is an integral part of completing academic requirements. By using all of the tools and resources available to them, students can get an unbiased, clear understanding of what is being presented. This will allow them to create persuasive arguments that will inspire and motivate those reading their essays.

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